Mayven building vanishes

There are two new building developments underway on either side of the Melbourne Anarchist Club on St George’s Road, and I noticed today that the Mayven building is gone. The website for the Mayven Apartments says that the art deco facade will be retained, although the entire thing is gone – I can only assume they are going to re-erect it once building commences.



Now, on the other side of the MAC is the St George Apartments.  This will be situated where the old junk shop once stood.




The Melbourne Anarchist Club building will remain nestled in between the five- and six-storey developments.  This little strip is going to look very different.

x Kitten of Doom

Update:  It has been pointed out to me that the Mayven Apartments website states “The street frontage will reflect the signature 1930’s Art Deco façade, providing the apartments with a unique and highly recognisable blend of old and new architectural styles.”  A new facade will be built, resembling the old one.  What’s the point of making a new facade that looks like the old one rather than retaining the original one?

~ by Kitten of Doom on October 23, 2014.

One Response to “Mayven building vanishes”

  1. Bastard developers…I loved that Deco facade.

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